Sunday, October 18, 2009

International LDN Awareness Week 19th - 25th October

Monday sees the start of International LDN Awareness Week. There's a conference being held in America. The publicity so far has led to enquiries from some doctors wishing to join the LDN Research Trust's list of prescribing doctors. It's a great move forward and hopefully many more good things will come from this week. Leaflets are being dropped around Scotland (the country most affected worldwide by MS) and 6 counties in the UK also. If you haven't already signed the petition and spread the word, please do so :) Remember - LDN has the potential to possibly help other medical conditions; not just MS.

The LDN Research Trust is looking for volunteers around the world to help link all the countries and all the people taking LDN together to give a united voice. You can register interest by clicking on this link and clicking the 'volunteer' box:

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