Sunday, October 25, 2009

Consultation on Tuesday

The time's flown much more quickly than I thought it would, and the date for my LDN consultation has rolled around - I go to Dr Tom on Tuesday afternoon. Fingers crossed!! Butterflies have started.

I had to create a Twitter account for a work team day held on Friday. Was a bit reluctant at first as didn't see a value in using Twitter after the team day (I'm not terribly keen on telling everyone what I'm doing all the time) but having logged on and looked around, tentatively sending a few tweets, I've realised it's a great place to network with those who have MS, who raise awareness and who raise money. The MSRC and MSTrust both have accounts (and others too!!), and there are lot of great tweets throughout the day. Consider me a Twitter convert!! I've also discovered TweetDeck - it's fantastic for me when the fatigue's affecting my faculties; I can see clearly all that's going on on Twitter and it's great for the limited attention span ;) I'm afraid the transition to techie is now complete!! You can follow me on Twitter (if you can cope with more of my ramblings!!) - my user name is tartan_miss

One of my Twitter followers jsmackenzie has a website about the Monster Ski to raise money for the MS Trust and it also tells Mike's MS story. Well worth a look -

Coming soon - how I came to realise I had MS and be diagnosed and how it's impacted on my life (after reading Mike's story, I realised I'd been pretty lax in that dept.).

Enough of my ramblings for one day me thinks ;)

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